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Namaste Yogi,

We are nearing the end of a month, a year and a decade! This month, we opened our hearts! A great mantra for the season was " I Am Joy".

My personal favorite is "I Forgive".

Don't worry, there were a few more that may resonate with you much more!

"I Am Love"

"I Receive"

"I Give"

"I Am Me"

The Air Element is carefree and light, something we need to remember to be at times. Living childlike is how I think of this element, especially the Heart Chakra!

One of my favorite crystals is Rose Quartz. Not only is it beautiful, but it reminds me to lead with love. There are many consequences to living your life on what I consider to be the highest vibration, but most of them are positive. You rarely regret being loving.

Even through the holiday season is wrapping up (pun intended!), I hope it was filled with so much energy that you are flowing into the new year and new decade like a cool summer breeze (see what I did there?!).

This flow moves along fast, it is only 30 minutes, so no excuses. Make time for yourself!

I invite you to download the AIR ELEMENT: HEART CHAKRA YOGA SEQUENCE - "I Receive Flow"

At the very bottom of the PDF, I offer the wonderful & cleansing Pranayama Practice: Nadi Shodhana Practice (Alternate Nostril Breathing). I also include a link to that episode on the podcast in the show notes of this Yoga Class. So check that out too!

Remember to be open to receive, but in order to do so, you have to be willing to let go anything that is no longer serving your highest self.

Listen to the Audio Recording of this month's class! This class is a bit more intermediate, but you can modify and adjust to allow yoga to meet you on the mat! We are going to be moving along quickly. Use your breath and remember you can take Balasana (Child's Pose) anytime, or press pause!

Our Mantras for this class are: I Receive, I Am Love, I Forgive, I Am Me, I Give, I Am Joy

Envision the colors: Green & Pink

Bonus points: Practice with someone you love.

--->>>>> Download the Sequence PDF HERE and practice with me @YogaPodcast

----->>>>>Listen to Free Audio Yoga Class: 45 Min "Hot Yoga" Power Flow LISTEN HERE!

Free Monthly Yoga Sequences HERE!

Free Audio Yoga Classes Every Week! Find The Love Breezy Bree Yoga Podcast @YogaPodcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Public Radio or anywhere you listen to podcasts! Download any of these free apps today and begin to master a personal yoga practice!

I offer weekly Yoga Pose Breakdowns of the most popular yoga postures, Yoga Tips and other OMazing information! Thank you for reading and listening!

My resident studio is at Yoga By Julia at the Westside Location (Paradise/Universe).

Interested in a Private Yoga Session? (I also offer yoga, meditation parties of 2+ & Workshops) Schedule with me today! Email Me!



Breezy Bree

Certified Yoga Teacher

500HR Clinical Yoga Therapy

Specializing in Yoga For Beginners, Yoga 4 Athletes,

Trauma-Informed Yoga (PTSD) & Yoga Therapeutics


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