Namaste Yogis!

This year, one of my personal intentions is to "Illuminate like a Star!"
I figured the sky is the limit, with all due respect to the brightest Star...the Sun.
So, here we are, gazing up at the night sky and the stars are sparkling among the Moon, which in this case is dark thanks to Mr. Sun. Don't fret, she is there and we can feel her deep energy, she is dependable and always close.
Today, is a New Moon, the first of the Decade. I love the New Moon energy! This New Moon is extra special to me personally because it is in Aquarius, my moon sign. As a Yoga Teacher, I teach from an Aquarian place. It is said that the Aquarius is the most humanitarian sign of the zodiac. It is also said that Aquarius moon signs were born to a Free Spirited Mama...TRUTH! I can tell you that my Mom's biggest gift to me was allowing me the freedom to think for myself. #blessed
Even if you are not represented by Aquarius in your Natal Chart, that is okay, we are all going to feel this energy rather we like it or not, but trust me, you'll like it.
During this New Moon phase you may called to "do the right thing!". Collectively we will be called to put the greater good ahead of our own needs, even if just for a couple of days. However, this is a great time to set your intentions on doing something for the betterment of the universe! I am not exaggerating, put a plan into action (key word, action), let the cosmos do the rest. If we all had the intent on offering ourselves in a selfless way we would experience great change...don't believe me? Give it a try!
Have you ever gone on a diet or started a new goal and no one in your household was on-board? It is still doable but with great resistance. And we don't got time for that!!! This is a time to work together, raising our vibration (you know how I feel about LOVE being the highest vibration). Let's do it...together!
If you need a little more of a push to change the world (ahem, galaxy)...I got you!
Tomorrow, January 25th is the Lunar New Year! Not sure what that is or how it applies to your life? Listen to the Yoga Podcast Episode: Happy Lunar New Year + Yoga

So yogis, put into practice your new intentions for this moon cycle or focus on continuing to prosper through your already in-progress intentions, stay positive and illuminate like a star!
I love you all to the moon and wish you the best Lunar New Year! Let's be relentless as a rat (pun intended...listen to the episode!)

Breezy Bree
Certified Yoga Teacher
500HR Clinical Yoga Therapy
Specializing in Yoga For Beginners, Yoga 4 Athletes,
Trauma-Informed Yoga (PTSD) & Yoga Therapeutics