Namaste Yogi,
For me, the month of November was filled with endless passion. I was able to collaborate with super energetic yogis on multiple projects.
I have been on fire! Which is perfect since this month we focused on the Fire Element.
Fire reminds us to be open to change and transformation, embrace our passions, drive, commitments and inspirations.
Fire is also linked to our Solar Plexus, that deep area within our abdomen, also the source of our personal power. The Solar Plexus Chakra activates Rajas of the Three Gunas.
In yoga, it is an added benefit to engage in Uddiyana Bandha (Upward Abdominal Lock), to really feel the benefits of this Chakra and create your own personal "Hot Yoga" from within.
At the very bottom of the PDF, I have some tips on how to engage your Bandhas and also how to practice Breath of Fire! Keep in mind, this is an advanced Pranayama practice.
Listen to the Audio Recording of this month's class! This class is a bit more intermediate, but you can modify and adjust to allow yoga to meet you on the mat! We are going to be moving along quickly, creating that Hot Yoga effect on the body. Use your breath and remember you can take Balasana (Child's Pose) anytime, or press pause!
Our Mantras for this class are: I am Strong, I am Empowered, I am Confident, I have Strength, I am Determined.
Envision the colors: Yellow, Blue and Red.
Bonus points: Practice by a Fireplace or Fire Pit. Maybe under the beaming sunshine.
--->>>>> Download the Sequence PDF HERE and practice with me @YogaPodcast
----->>>>>Listen to Free Audio Yoga Class: 45 Min "Hot Yoga" Power Flow LISTEN HERE!

Free Monthly Yoga Sequences HERE!
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I offer weekly Yoga Pose Breakdowns of the most popular yoga postures, Yoga Tips and other OMazing information! Thank you for reading and listening!
My resident studio is at Yoga By Julia at the Westside Location (Paradise/Universe).
Interested in a Private Yoga Session? (I also offer yoga, meditation parties of 2+ & Workshops) Schedule with me today! Email Me!
Breezy Bree
Certified Yoga Teacher
500HR Clinical Yoga Therapy
Specializing in Yoga For Beginners, Yoga 4 Athletes,
Trauma-Informed Yoga (PTSD) & Yoga Therapeutics